P.O. Box 81, Swarthmore, PA, 19081-- brandywine@juno.com (610) 544-1818


Hiroshima Day '08...at Lockheed Martin

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August 6, Hiroshima Day 2008, people gathered in remembrance of Hiroshima, and yet again in resistance at Lockheed Martin... and
fourteen* were arrested... a noontime ceremony of remembrance and resistance preceded by a four hour vigil for peace...sounds of a siren, a nuclear bomb blast, and the hourly tolling of our bell of peace 63 times (once for every year since Hiroshima)...Audio broadcast of an original dramatic
narrative of the events from the first atomic test blast ("Trinity", July 16, 1945) to the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki,
August 6, 9, 1945), the voices of Hiroshima survivors, greetings (see below) from Gold Star Mother for Peace, Celeste Zappala, in
Hiroshima...songs and stories of Sadako Sasaki, the paper peace crane child...the scents of incense, water shared in memory of the
victims, sunflower (international symbol of peace and disarmament) seeds scattered in front of the Lockheed Martin logo and sign...
litany and "die-in" in the main driveway entrance to Lockheed Martin nonviolent civil disobedience

"In every war lies the threat of another Hiroshima or Nagasaki.  Lockheed Martin build atop the ashes of the nuclear age and he
continuing wars and global nuclear reach of the U.S. military empire...Today, we seek to make visible the unspeakable reality of
war, nuclear weapons, and of Lockheed Martin: DEATH!  In memory of all victims of the past 63 years of war and nuclear terror, we cry
out for peace and a future worthy of our hopes and our children - education, home, health care for all, justice, an honoring of the
earth, peace...Today, we say: Death is War's Only Victor and therefore 'No More Hiroshimas, War No More!'.  Peace is a plea to
save the world. And therefore, we declare peace!" - from Hiroshima Day '08 Litany at Lockheed Martin, Valley Forge, PA

"To remember the past is to commit oneself to the future...To remember Hiroshima is to commit oneself to peace." - Pope John
Paul II, 1981

From Celeste Zappala, Gold Star Mother for Peace, whose son, Sherwood Baker, was killed in Iraq, April 2004.

Dear Friends:  I  am in Hiroshima today and send my thanks to you for being witnesses this day to the memory of all who were lost in
Hiroshima and Nagasaki.  I have been deeply honored to be here this week to attend the Anti A and H bomb conference, for a nuclear
free peaceful and just world.  There are people here from across the world who are dedicated to ending nuclear arms proliferation.  It is
encouraging to know that here in Hiroshima, in Philadelphia, and in cities across the world there are people of similar heart who
remember the lost and pay tribute to them by creating a peaceful future.

The people of Hiroshima and Nagasaki are inheritors of the two worst days in human history.  We are all witnesses and inheritors of
the results of those awful days. We gather in memory drawn together by the worst cruelty and yet draw hope from one another so
that we not only pay homage but learn the ways of peace

Today I walked on the long ago burned ground where people lead their lives and did all the ordinary things that people do in a morning,
cooking breakfast, cleaning up, getting ready to go to work.  In one disastrous instant they became extinct.  Those who survived the
blast made their way to the river to find comfort.  I sat near that river today to think of them and think of what was important to them in the
moments after the fireball. Were they desperate to find the loved one who had just gone out the door, were they hurt and hoping to
find someone who could come to their aide, were they praying to live?  Or did they just hope to find water?

Their spirits move in the river here, and in the hearts of all who remember them today.  In our ordinary lives we can and must do the
extraordinary things that make for peace, make for a world without weapons of annihilation and make us all people brave enough to
truly love the ordinary lives we are blessed to live.

peace and courage be with you, Celeste Zappala

*Those arrested and cited for disorderly conduct at Lockheed Martin, Hiroshima Day '08: Peter Pedemonti, Stephanie Scordia, Fr.
Patrick Sieber, OFM, Beth Friedlan, Mary Jo McArthur, MJ Gentile, Carroll Clay, Bernadette Cronin-Geller (all of Philadelphia), Arthur
Landis, Perkasie, PA, Tim Chadwick, Bethlehem, PA, Tom Mullian and Ann Geers, both of Media, PA, Theresa Camerota, Wyncote,
PA, and Robert M. Smith, Swarthmore, PA.